Institute for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction: A subject most men don’t like to talk about. But we should. Because erectile dysfunction and impotence are, apart from very few exceptions, not a question of fate. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the better the chances of success of the therapy. In most cases erectile problems can be treated effectively. Talk to our experts at the Institute for Erectile Dysfunction- for more quality of life without erectile problems.

Erectile dysfunction: diagnosis to therapy

Enough of fairy tales and half-truths: comprehensive information about erectile dysfunction - from frequency to causes to diagnosis and treatment.

Erectile dysfunction

Stent implantation for erectile dysfunction

The majority of erectile dysfunctions result from circulatory disorders. The minimal-invasive catheter-assisted stent implantation restores the blood flow to the penis - with a success rate of over 75 percent.

Stent implantation for erectile dysfunction

Test: Erectile dysfunction or failure?

With this scientifically recognized self-test, you can quickly and easily find out whether you have any signs of erectile problems that seriously require treatment.


Early warning signs for erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction often indicates serious diseases at an early stage - from arteriosclerosis and diabetes to lipid metabolic and circulatory disorders. Diagnosis and therapy of erectile problems are not lifestyle medicine, but medically useful services.


Your experts for erectile dysfunction

Our interdisciplinary team of experts guarantees highest quality in the diagnosis and treatment of erectile problems - from the beginning. In the picture you see the founders and partners of the Institute for Erectile Dysfunction (from left to right): Dr. med. Dagmar Schumacher, Dr. med. Martin C. Schumacher, PD Dr. med. Hak Hong Keo, Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Diehm, Dr. med. Christian Regli and Prof. Dr. med. Markus Béchir.

Our team of experts

Professor Dr. med. Nicolas Diehm:
Why we should talk about erectile dysfunction

Many men still regard erectile dysfunction as a personal failure. However, it has nothing to do with reality: 90 percent of all erectile problems are organic. And even better: In more than 70 percent of cases, medical help is possible.  Therefore: Let's talk to each other. We initiated the Institute for Erectile Dysfunctionin order to enlighten on erectile dysfunction. And on the other hand, to further improve the supply for diagnosis and therapy in Switzerland. At our center of excellence you find renowned physicians, who are intensively concerned with all aspects of erectile dysfunction every day in clinics and research. As a result, you benefit from state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

More about erectile dysfunction

Causes and treatment of erectile dysfunction in the video

TV interview

Interview with Prof. Dr. Diehm in the TV programme “Gesundheitheute” (German)

TV programme: Gesundheit heute

Dr. Schumacher and Prof. Dr. Diehm inform about causes and treatment options for erectile dysfunction in the health broadcast (German)

Patient gathering at Hirslanden Clinic:

Prof. Dr. Diehm explains stent implantation for erectile dysfunction (German)

Do you have any questions?

At the Institute for Erectile Dysfunction you find qualified dialog partners for all questions on erectile dysfunction. If you want to make a consultation appointment: Call us: +41 62 824 02 42 or write an e-mail to


News from the Institute for erectile dysfunction

ED as an early warning sign

Erectile dysfunction is often an early warning sign of diseases of the blood vessels. In 4 out of 10 cases computed tomographic angiography (CTA) for the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction leads to undiagnosed findings according to a study from December 2019.



High success rate

In a recent study conducted in collaboration with the Institute for Erectile Dysfunction, the stent implantation proves to be technically successful in 49 of 50 participants. In two thirds of men, erectility improved significantly.

Stent implantation

Sexual dysfunction

In a detailed brochure (German), the Swiss “Doctors for Sexual Health” provide information about male sexual dysfunction. Prof. Diehm from the Institute for Erectile Dysfunction is the expert responsible for the medical editing.

Sexual dysfunction in men (PDF, 44 pages)